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St. Francis de Sales Novena - Daily mp3 audio and text Download (right click & choose “Save Link As”) Day 1 There is no clock, no matter how good it may be, that doesn’t need resetting and rewinding twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. In addition, at least once a year it must be taken apart to remove the dirt clogging it, straighten out bent parts and repair those worn out. In like manner, every morning and evening a person who really takes care of his heart must rewind it for God’s service by means of certain practices of piety. At least once a year he must take it apart and examine every piece in detail; that is, every affection and passion, in order to repair whatever defects there may be. (INT. Part 5, Ch. 1; O. III, p. 340) O blessed Francis de Sales, who on earth did excel in a life of virtue, especially in the love of God and neighbor, I earnestly ask you to take me under your compassionate care and protection. Obtain for me conversion of mind and heart. Grant that all people, especially (names of those whom you wish to include) may experience the depth of God’s redeeming and healing love. Teach me to fix my eyes on the things of heaven even as I walk each day with my feet planted firmly on the earth. Help me, through the practice of virtue and the pursuit of devotion, to avoid anything that would otherwise cause me to stumble in my attempt to follow Christ and to be an instrument of the Holy Spirit. Encouraged by your prayers and example, help me to live fully my sacred dignity with the hope of experiencing my sacred destiny: eternal life with God. Receive also this particular need or concern that I now lift up in prayer. (mention your particular need). O God, for the salvation of all, you desired that St. Francis de Sales— preacher, missionary, confessor, bishop and founder— should befriend many long the road to salvation. Mercifully grant that we, infused with the humility and gentleness of his charity, guided by his wisdom and sharing in his spirit may experience eternal life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. St. Francis de Sales, pray for us. Day 2 State openly that you desire to be devout. I do not say that you should assert that you are devout but that you desire to be devout. Do not be ashamed to practice the ordinary, necessary actions that bring us to the love of God. Acknowledge frankly that you are trying to meditate, that you would rather die than commit a mortal sin, that you are resolved to frequent the sacraments and to follow your director’s advice. This candid confession of our desire to serve God and to consecrate ourselves entirely to His love is most acceptable to His Divine Majesty. V, Ch. 18; O. 365) Day 3 I desire very little, and what I do desire I desire very little; I have hardly any desires, but if I were to begin my life all over again I would want to have none at all … Ask for nothing, refuse nothing; we must simply abandon ourselves into the hands of Providence, without nourishing any other desire but to do whatever God wills. Paul practiced this act of absolute abandonment at the very moment of his conversion. When he was deprived of his sight, he immediately said, “Lord, what do you want me to do? ” [cf. Act 22:10] From that moment on he put himself completely at God’s disposal. All our perfection consists precisely in the practical application of this principle. (Spiritual Treatises XXI, O. VI, pp. 383-384) Day 4 Self-love dies only when our body dies, so we must, while we live in this land of exile, continue to counterattack its assaults on our senses and its underhanded tactics. It is enough if we firmly withstand, giving no willful or deliberate consent … When we feel within ourselves the first movements of self-love or of other passions, let us prostrate ourselves immediately before the heart of God and tell Him, in a spirit of confidence and humility, “Lord, have mercy on me because I am a very weak creature. ” Then let us tranquilly rest in peace and put ourselves at God’s disposal. (Letters 1675; O. XIX, pp. 272-273) Day 5 This poor life is only a journey to the happy life to come. We must not be angry with one another on the way, but rather we must march on as a band of brothers and sisters united in meekness, peace and love. I state absolutely and make no exception: do not be angry at all if that is possible. Do no accept any pretext whatever for opening your heart’s door to anger. Saint James tells us positively and without reservation, ” … a man’s anger does not fulfill God’s justice. ” [Jas 1:20] (INT. Part III, Ch. 8; O. 162) Day 6 Do not pay any attention to the kind of work you do, but rather to the honor that it brings to God, even though it may seem quite trivial. Desire only to do the Divine Will, following Divine Providence, which is the disposition of Divine Wisdom. In a word, if your works are pleasing to God and recognized as such, that is all that matters. Work hard every day at increasing your purity of heart, which consists in appraising things and weighing them in the balance of God’s will. (Letters 280; O. XIII, p. 53) Day 7 Our intellect is ordinarily full of ideas, opinions and considerations suggested by self-love. This is the root of many conflicts within the soul, putting before us all sorts of reasons dictated by human prudence to justify our pretensions. People who make use of this false prudence, instead of enlightening their intellect, obscure it. They reject advice given to them and let those reasons prevail in their minds which support their own opinions, even wrong ones. Make use of the virtue of prudence because it is good, but make good use of it. Employ it only rarely, with simplicity, and solely for the glory of God. (Sermons 30; O. IX, pp. 297-298) Day 8 One of the greatest proofs of love that Jesus displayed on the cross was putting up with the imperfections of His neighbor. There He showed us that He has a heart that loves us tenderly and watches over us kindly. He even showed His love for those who put Him to death. In those dire moments the Savior expressed thoughts of love even for his executioners, pardoning them in the very act of sinning! How petty-minded we are when we cannot bring ourselves to forget some injury received, even after a long time! Whoever sincerely pardons another calls down abundant blessings and perfectly imitates Christ. (Spiritual Treatises IV; O. 65-66) Day 9 Think for a moment of the piety of the Madonna when the angel told her that the Spirit would overshadow her. What sentiments of humility, confidence and courage! At the very moment when she understood that God had given her His heart, that is, His Son, she gave herself to God. Her soul was flooded with charity, so she could say with the sacred spouse, “…My heart trembled within me, and I grew faint when he spoke. ” [Sg:5:4] As far as we are concerned, we receive a similar grace in Communion, because not an angel but Jesus Christ Himself assures us that in it the Holy Spirit descends on us. Heavenly power covers us with its shadow and the Son of God really comes to us. He can say that He is conceived and born in us. Truly then, the soul can respond with the Madonna, “I am the servant of the Lord; let is be done to me as you say. ” [Lk 1:38] (Spiritual Directory, Art. 12) St. Francis de Sales, pray for us.
Saint francis web scheduler. Saint frances cabrini facts. Saint francis mychart tulsa. Saint frances of rome catholic church. Saint francis. Saint francis xavier. Saint france. Saint frances xavier cabrini. Saint francis high school sacramento. I spent last weekend in Paris (made it there despite the strikes). Living in Germany, I had friends and co-workers that had bad experiences in the city – they had been pickpocketed or even assaulted, thought that the city was dirty and/or its citizens are stuck up. Therefore, I decided to plan a quick solo (female) trip and make my own opinion about the city. I loved it. Overall, I found Paris much friendlier than the German town I currently reside in. I would say that my French reading/understanding levels are mid to high intermediate; my speaking ability is high beginning or low intermediate. It’s like…I know what I want to say but by the time I string it together the conversation has moved on. Everyone that I interacted it with let me speak bad French with them and really pushed my abilities, no one switched to English for me, which I really appreciated. Anyway, despite the train strikes I had no issue taking the train from Frankfurt to Paris late on Thursday night for two full days before departing on Sunday. Edit: I'm taking down the budget and linking to the booking sources. - Frankfurt – Paris tickets via Omnio - 3x nights at Airbnb - 1x night at a hotel - No Diet Club Food Tour - Unusual History of Paris Tour - Tasting Dinner with Jean Yves - Various Museum Tickets - Louvre, Sainte Chapelle & Conciergerie, Musee d'Orsey (bought at till) - Misc - ~$50 If I did this again, I would have only booked one food tour - I had a weak escapist traveler moment. I also learned an important lesson about trusting your gut about the safety in some neighborhoods and ensuring that you budget at least one night at a hotel as a "just in case". Itinerary Day One: - Woke up and joined a running group to go from the Stravinsky Fountain along the Seine and back. Roughly 10k. Misjudged this one a bit because the sun was barely rising at the end of the run but was able to view some of the major landmarks lit up. - Walked from my apartment to Notre Dame. Got turned around and ended up at Gare de Lyon before I realized how far off course I’d gone. - Notre Dame is still amazing. I work in the engineering field so to see the scaffolding still in place due to be fused together from the heat of last year's 's a sight. They've turned the renovation site into a walking tour where you can read about the rehabilitation efforts. - Sainte Chappelle with audio tour; bought the double ticket for entry into les Conciergie that had an exhibit on the life, death, and cultural fetishization of Marie Antoinette. I bought a ticket on Get Your Guide while waiting in line so I could skip to the front and it was pre-packaged. I would not have sought the exhibit out on my own but it was neat. - Walked down the Seine to Musee D’Orsey. I almost didn’t go in because the museum was closing early due to the planned strikes but decided to make the best of the 90 minutes I had remaining. I’m a huge fan of Impressionism art so I loved it. With the limited time I wish I had not bought the audio guide because some of the descriptions are up to 7 minutes long. Which is a really long time to be standing in front of a painting with a recorder at your ear. I’ll definitely be back – I made it through the entire museum but at a clipped pace. - Walked to the Eiffel Tower. It was closed the entire day of the strikes. I initially planned on doing the walk up to the first viewing area and then going up to the top but the top was closed for renovations so I hadn’t planned on entering the tower anyway. Bought an éclair at a delicious little bakery around the corner and felt tres French. - Walked up the Arc de Triumph and went to the top. Hit the Arc right at the start of the golden hour so it was a pretty neat view. Worth it. - I had clocked 10 miles at this point so I took a taxi to the Basilica. Amazing view of the city although it was pretty hazy as the sun set but you could really appreciate the strategic significance of the hill. Spent about 30 minutes in reflection inside of the Basilica. - Met my “no diet” tour at a bar in Montemarte. The tour group was me and a large family from South Korea. The mother and I could speak French to one another and they had two “kids” my age (late 20s/early 30s) that lived in the States and spoke very good English. After the tour they sent us a massive list of curated personal favorites by arrondissement…it’ll definitely take more than a few visits to work through. Overall it was well worth the money and I was full at the end of the night. o The tour took us to the following establishments: § La Bascule – amazing platter of charcuterie and cheese § Savoie ou Quoi – classic raclette § Pita Paris – hands down the best hummus in Paris § Glazed – unique flavors and artisanal ice cream § George Larnicol – Kouignettes. Day Two: - Woke up and started walking to Shakespeare and Co. Are you even a basic book nerd if you don’t visit this establishment? But really, the “Unique History Tour” I signed up for met at the park right across the street. The tour guide took us through the Latin Quarter and showed us some unique street art. The tour was not linear or themed but was very interesting and interactive. - Walked from St. Genevieve’s to the Louvre. Walked through the Louvre for a few hours. I had an afternoon ticket on a Saturday and the lines were massive. I will definitely go back but first thing in the morning. - After the Louvre I walked back to my Airbnb, packed my bags, and checked into the hotel due to neighborhood safety concerns. - After checking into the hotel (properly in Le Marais this time), I walked around taking pictures of the Flash Invader Art. You can download an app, snap a photo and it will award you points. It’s an amusing way to wander the streets. I went by the Jewish Heritage and History museum so I went in. The French was very academic and a little difficult to understand. Most of the museum was dedicated to Jules Alder and his art so it was more art and less heritage/history but it was still a neat museum to walk through. - For dinner, I booked a tasting dinner through Eat With hosted by Jean-Yves, a winner of France’s Master Chef Competition a few years ago. Awesome experience. Everything was paired masterfully with wine and was an interesting combination of cultures and flavors. I was jointed by two American professors on a sabbatical, a mother and son traveling Europe after college graduation, and a family of four from Paris. We spoke a combination of English and French and had to be kicked out by Jean-Yves so he could go to sleep. Great food, great company and 100% worth the price. That was definitely a “treat yo’self” booking and not normally in the price range of what I book solo travelling. I love the experiences hosted by Eat With though and have booked (cheaper) dinners in the past in Italy. Day Three: - Had planned on doing another run this morning but returned to the hotel late and drunk, decided to have a lay in simply because I could. - Ordered room service and packed for my return home. Took the train out of Paris at 1 pm.
Saint francis college. Saint francis memorial hospital san francisco. Saint francis of assisi parish manitowoc. Saint frances of rome wildomar. Saint francis hotel san francisco. Most updated developments here. Join the r/gamedetectives Discord channel or sit the comments by new to see the most recent developments. Current tasks: Please refer to the most recent updates for explanations on these tasks. Link to the discussion in crossposts. post in /r/dota2 post in /r/gamedetectives post in /r/assassinscreed post on the Ubisoft PC forums by user nebsta929 post on the Ubisoft Console forums by user nebsta929 Overview Dota 2 is a popular action RTS video game with a very large competitive scene. On January 31st, 2016, an anonymous 4chan user posted this on the /d2g/ (Dota 2 General thread on /vg/). What the hell? There's something very weird going on here: Reddit user /u/GottaGoFats saw the link to the YouTube channel from /d2g/ and posted a thread to r/dota2. The bizarre youtube channel seemed to be some sort of shrine to the professional Dota 2 player EternaLEnVy, or EE as he is commonly refered to. EE has a large fan following for his aggressive playstyle, awkwardness, and love for all things Japanese. The 40+ short videos all have a one word title, and consist of the title screen and a short looped clip from the same EE interview vaguely relevant to the title. For example, in "Yeah", a clip of EE saying "um... yeah" is looped for almost a minute. ARG After getting past the absurdity of the videos, some r/dota2 goers noticed some weird things. Each video's title screen and description link to the channel's sponsor,. The website is extremely ambiguous in what the supposed company does, listing services such as consulting, intelligence analysis, and surveillance. In the footer of the website, the name of a file is displayed "" By concatenating that file name with the website's url, you get to this page,, that displays the following text: Alone on the river bank, Peter counted his money. Somehow, only 12 gold coins were left. How was it possible? Surely, he couldn't have spent that much money. A duck and two rabbits were the only items Peter had bought that week. After subtracting the price of those three items from Peter's weekly pay, at least 30 gold coins should have remained in his pocket. Now, what should Peter do? His 12 gold coins won't be enough to live on for the rest of the month. Should he weep, should he beg or should he steal? The day was nearly over. Sulking, Peter decided to go home. On the road, an old man came to him. Incredibly, that old man had found Peter's missing money on the side of the road earlier in the day and wanted to hand it back to him! Moving swiftly, Peter grabbed the knife hidden in his satchel and stabbed the old man in the heart. Now, with his missing coins and the old man's savings in his pockets, Peter walks back home with a contented smile on his face. What is Peter's favorite Dota2 hero? /u/TonyWan discovered that the letters starting each line are APSHSAANSTSOIMN. By roughly alternating letters, he arrived at Phantom Assassin, a Dota 2 hero (character). This led to the next url: that read: Teragon Group is currently looking for a M/F field asset: JOB DESCRIPTION Field assets are responsible for conducting surveillance and clandestine operations throughout the world, at the sole request of the Teragon Group board members. REQUIREMENTS Applicants should: - Be at least 18 years of age. - Be in excellent physical and mental health. - Not be members or descendants of members of occult societies, incl. : The Freemasonry, the Rosicrucian Order or the Society of Jesus. hp htww cpdslap esp hzcwo XI /u/Anon49 figured out the basic ROT11 from the "XI" which when decrypted, the scrambled sentence read: we will reshape the world. This led to yet another url:, which read: On June 20th 1307, just before dawn, three men entered the private offices of the King in the Palace of Fontainebleau. They gave Philip IV everything he needed to take down the only group of people with both the military and financial means to threaten his reign. In exchange for the betrayal of their brothers, the three men were awarded a tenth of the considerable fortune of the soon-to-be-eradicated order. Thus was Teragon born ulnjwysearstspfgjnkf Feb 1st 2300 EST /u/eltrov decrypted! Using this website, with the message of "ulnjwysearstspfgjnkf" and a passphrase of "Thus was Teragon born, " the Vigenere cipher is decoded to "betrayalwasnecessary, " which is the next url,, that reads as follows: Not a txt. By changing the extension from to, /u/Ayakura arrived at this image:. /u/BIG_THECAT notes that the Baphomet picture is called Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie (English: Dogma and Ritual of High Magic) and that it goes along with two books written by Eliphas Levi - Dogme and Rituel. Levi was a French occult author and ceremonial magician. /u/eltrov used a stegonography tool and ran the through it to get this result: The old order had become weak and corrupt. It needed to be cleansed. From one point of view, a betrayal. From another, a salvation. joinus There is no or image or html document. ARG players speculated that "joinus" could mean applying to Teragon Group. Subsequently, a number of players messaged the email linked on the website:. Several hours later, the first eager applicants received responses. /u/thatguy01001010 and /u/eltrov received the same email response from Teragon. Here is the pastebin. >We are sorry to inform you that, based on the information found in our files regarding your education and professional backgrounds, we will not be able to take your application into consideration. >Kind regards, >JM, >Teragon Group, >Human Resources Department >Sous son règne, la France était grande et les Français malheureux. >`******|||||||||**||***||****|****||||***||******||**||||||` The French translates to "Under his reign, France was great and the French unfortunate. " /u/HerrMyth noted JM should be Jacque de Molay. He also noted that the signature is a quote from"The Iron King" of the series Les Rois Maudits (The Accursed Kings) written by Maurice Druon in 1955. The sentence is about the state of the French Kingdom under Philllipe (le Bel) IV. It's from the First page of the Prologue of the 1st Tome "Le Roi de Fer" (The Iron King). You can read the prologue here. Here is a short blurb about the series from Wikipedia: Set during the reigns of the last five kings of the Capetian dynasty and the first two kings of the House of Valois, the series begins as the French King Philip the Fair, already surrounded by scandal and intrigue, brings a curse upon his family when he persecutes the Knights Templar. The succession of monarchs that follows leads France and England to the Hundred Years' War. *Feb 2nd * New videos: Pawn and Livestream Sometime in the morning, the Baphomet Studios channel uploaded a 2:06 minute video titled "Pawn" for only 15 minutes before it was removed. /u/timmeh45 has uploaded a mirror! The audio consists of a man speaking in French. /u/ILikeGirlsWithHats notes it is a reading of the prologue of Le Roi de Fer, which is the same book discovered from the email signature. The Baphomet Studio Livestream was sometime later and lasted for 7:45 minutes. The beginning audio seems to be the same as "Pawn. " Halfway through it cuts to slowed down speech similar to the Acre video. The background image depict Edward I paying homage to King Philip IV of France. At some point, the Teragon Group website was updated with numbers in the footer: 69 22 32 41 44 62 26 META NOTE: The Discord channel later realized that the puppetmaster of the ARG was getting impatient with our progress and posted these numbers. These numbers can be arrived at by counting the number of symbols from the signatures of the emails people recieved: ******|||||||||**||***||****|****||||***||******||**||||||. For example, 6 asterisks, 9 pipes, 2 asterisks, 2 pipes,... etc. results in the above numbers starting with 69 and 22. Discord chat channel user Simon discovered this to be a book cipher to the prologue of Le Roi de Fer, which is the book discovered earlier. Using this image of the prologue, we can take each number to mean a pair of values. The first is a line number, and the second is the nth letter in the line. (Note it is the line number, not the nth sentence. ) Line 6, letter 9: c Line 2, letter 2: o etc. The decoded book cipher results in the word "continue. " Discord chat channel user Lowcharity, tried out several file extensions before discovering the new url: 3. This mp3 file consists of a text to speech recording of a string of letters transcribed as follows: qrfhycthhcsj hehbdahhjvozzyenv uxqyhhwaaecxamexywnhtykyqzjwzpareezzqrbdde uhbsbhyqzrdlds Discord chat channel users downloaded the mp3 file and looked through the metadata to find the name and artist of the file, which were "ultimate" and "power" respectively. Discord user Trialtrex21 guessed correctly that it was a keyed vignere cipher. You can try it out yourself here with the keys that follow. By using an alphabet key of "ultimate" and a passphrase of "power, " the transcribed ciphertext was decoded to the following: likeaphoenix ourorderwasreborn betterandunencumberedbytheweightofreligion followthetrail Through trial and error, the Discord channel discovered the next url:. At the time of its discovery, it displayed "Coming soon. " Within minutes, it was updated to the following: Extract from page 87 of the personal diary of Luc Delorme: September 13th, 1948. It’s been six weeks now since I’ve seen Anne and the kids. Six weeks since she stormed out of the apartment, Michel and Laeticia in tow, yelling “You’re going crazy, Luc! And the worst part is, you don’t even see it. But I won’t stand here while you destroy this family! ” She was wrong, though. I’m not crazy. Maybe just slightly… obsessed. All in all, it’s for the better, I suppose. Working on the files has become much easier now, with the apartment to myself. This morning, went to my appointment with Pr. Halphen at La Sorbonne. I told him everything. The nine founders of the Templar Order and their mysterious connection to the newly-crowned King of Jerusalem. The cover story concocted by those nine men and the King. “Protecting the roads of the Holy Land. ” Ha! As if nine men could secure hundreds of kilometers of roads! Their well-documented nighttime excavations under the Temple of Solomon, followed by their meteoric rise to power. They had found something, that much was clear. Something that gave them wealth and power beyond measure. It all made sense. I knew that Professor Halphen was going to see it, just as I myself saw the light before. But he laughed. That idiot, that stubborn fool laughed me right out of his office. He will see, though. One day, he will see. And he will remember bitterly the day he laughed at my theories. Time to get back to work. I still have to decipher that parchment. I may have to take a break, though. My arm is starting to hurt. As I was leaving the office of Pr. Halphen, a young man bumped into me. He must have had something sharp on him because something tore my sleeve and scratched my skin. There was something that felt familiar about that young man. Had I seen him before? Anyway, let’s go and put some iodine on that scratch (it’s turning a weird shade of blue! ) and then get back to our documents. At 2022 EST, Discord user uro discovered the next url from the line that read "Time to get back to work. I still have to decipher that parchment. " The next url was in fact. This image displays multiple sentence fragments and numbers scattered around the canvas. Going clockwise and starting from the top, the phrases read: the amazing beauty of the page and date significance of the Going from left to right, the numbers read: 11 11 17 67 51 24 2 Parchment is "solved" and many advances have been made. I cannot fully update this thread until later so please consult the spreadsheet in the meantime. Extra information is shown below. The main corpus of the events and progress that has unfolded is above. Freeze Frames Several of the YouTube videos have freeze frames with text on them. /u/TonyWan discovered one in the video " Faster " at 0:37 that read: As he was led through the streets of Paris, de Molay cursed the names of Philip and de Got, oblivious to the fact that he has been betrayed by those closest to him de Molay seems to refer to Jacques de Molay, a Templar Grand Master in the late 13th century, and de Got refers to Pope Clement V, also known as Raymond Bertrand de Got who was known for suppressing the Knights Templar. Philip seems to refer to Philip the IV of France, who worked to annihilate the Knights Templar. /u/Proc31 noticed that midway through each video's end credits, a frame reads: WE ARE AMONG YOU There are probably more freeze frames to be discovered. Leads and other information Feb 1st /u/13kb noticed that the name Teragon is shared by Paul Teragon, a character from the Assassin's Creed Unity set during the French Revolution. A teragon is also a self-similar fractal curve. In this comment, /u/arts_degree_huehuehue notes that the name of the YouTube channel, Baphomet, is a deity the Knights Templar were accused of worshipping. /u/Anon49 found out that was created on Jan 28th 2016, only a few days ago. The whois for the website has other details on it. /u/ScottieKills discovered the address of the website registrant from whois to be on Demolay Street. Jacque de Molay was mentioned in the files. I found this website,, from googling around. Teragon Labs appears to be a pharmaceutical company on the surface, but seems incredibly shady. The website lists their injectable and oral products, but don't offer links for purchase nor prices, only short descriptions. Even weirder, right clicking on the website has been disabled. However, says the website was created Aug 2014, and was last updated in Sep 2015, so it may just be a weird website. The Teragon Group website lists their address as 501/504C, 30 Vesey Street, NY 10007, which is very close to the World Trade Center in New York City. In the map on the website, you can see the Saint Peter Roman Catholic Church. Saint Peter is one of Jesus' disciples. In the Assassin's Creed series, he came into possesion to the Staff of Eden. In the background of the banner picture of the Teragon Group website, the Florentine bridge Ponte Vecchio can be seen. This image most clearly shows the similarity. /u/blackcoffin90 from r/assassinscreed noted that Ponte Vecchio was the bridge where Ezio and Vierre de Pazzi had a gang war at the beginning of the game. Possibly some connection to the Pazzi family, who are Templars. /u/Uniporpose notes the phrase "Sumus populi" in the description of every video. This is latin for "We are the people. " /u/Uniporpose also notes the videos were posted in alphabetical order with the oldest video titled "Amazing" and the newest video titled "Yeah", except for the most recent video which is out of alphabetical order, titled "Acre. " This is also the only video that's slowed down. /u/Ayakura found this url on the Teragon site:, and this picture:. More on the Acre video, the only video that is alphabetically out of order and slowed down. Acre is an Israeli city. /u/Mr_Rook notes that the trailer for Assassin's Creed I is set in Acre. The tallest viewpoint in the game is also in Acre. The [Siege of Acre 1291]( (1291)) resulted in the loss of the last major Crusader stronghold to the Muslim Mamluk Sultanate. The Knights Templar fought in this battle. Acre video audio at normal speed. Here is the link to the images on the Teragon Group site. /u/VandalorumRex notes that the Peppermill Reno site is registered to GoDaddy. The Terragon Group site is registered under a Paul Nedo. /u/timmeh42 reverse searched the boardroom banner photo and found this website which is also registered under a Paul Nedo! Feb 2nd /u/flaming-penguin mentioned the Assassin's Creed Unity mission where the player has to infiltrate the Cult of Balphomet. More on Paul Nedo. /u/Not_Hasbro discovered that "Paul Nedo" is an anagram for Upleadon. Upleadon Preceptory also known as Temple Court was a Templar owned property in Bosbury, England. /u/StNicotine has made incredible progress on seeking out weird comments on the original thread. Recall that each video ends with a frame displaying "WE ARE AMONG YOU. " You can see his progress here. I'm very interested in this particular video posted early on in the thread. He deleted himself from the comment, but you can follow the link to this YouTube video. The video's title, content, and description are all binary. The title translates to "AMSG2FANS, " or "a message to fans, " and the description translates to "Use my Riki Tips® to dominate the playing field with everyone's favorite hero! " The binary in the video has not been translated so please help out! Further inspection of this YouTube channel, named "Riki Tips, " after the Dota 2 Hero Riki, is extremely weird. The channel description claims, "Hey Guys! This is the channel to get all the best tips and tricks for Dota 2's best hero, Riki!, " however the channel has barely any tips and is instead full of creepy thumbnails with creepy text ranging from, "Riki Can go Invisible" (Riki tips 007), to "RIKI WILL FUCKING KILL YOU" (Riki Tips 006), to the aforementioned binary video, and to Riki tips 015 which has what appears to be Wingdings or Webdings text. This needs to be translated! The Wingdings in Riki Tips 015 translates to "Riki Tip 015 Riki should always be in his smoke 24/7" Many of the thumbnails are pretty spooky. Note that Riki has goat like horns which are very pronounced in the thumbnails. Do they remind anyone else of Balphomet? /u/Mr_Rook has been working on finding the time stamps of where the videos on the Balmophet channel are on the original interview video. /u/LionFists ' theory on Nogaret, or Teragon backwards; Please send me a direct PM if I missed anything important. I do not get notifications for non root level comments in any of the crossposts.
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God given us all beautiful things, but we human beings do not care about it. So let's follow the footsteps of ancis and Bosco. Thank You. A recent study published by Acumen Research and Consulting on the Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP) market offers a comprehensive analysis on the growth prospects and dynamics of the market between 2014 and 2024. The study includes detailed information about the macro- and micro-economic factors that are impacting the demand, and provides a detailed projection on the future trends in the market. Download FREE SAMPLE The report offers detailed and actionable insights to help market players understand the dynamics of the Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP) market. The information featured in ARC’s report can help Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP) market players, such as manufacturers, marketers, suppliers, distributors, and retailers, in making important business-related decisions. New startups entering the global market can also leverage the information encapsulated in the study and adopt appropriate business strategies to gain a competitive edge in the market. Industry experts, managers, stakeholders, journalists, investors, researchers, and business analysts too can make use of the critical information offered in this report. VIEW FULL REPORT Exclusive information about the potential rise in the sales and demand for Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP)s across countries is mentioned in the report. Readers can also find a key indicator assessment of the market, which defines the key growth prospects of the Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP) landscape, and estimates statistics about the development of the market in terms of value (US$ million) through 2014-2024. VIEW FULL TOC@ The study provides the growth prospects of the Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP) market for each segment in five geographical regions—North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East & Africa, and South America. The study includes y-o-y growth analysis, raw materials assessment, and pricing analysis on the demand and sales of Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP)s across these regions. Market Participants Key players in the global GFRP market are focusing on market strategies such as mergers and acquisitions to maintain their goodwill in the ever competitive market. Some of the players operating in the GFRP market include Johns Manville, BGF Industries, Asahi Glass Company Limited, Advanced Glassfiber Yarns LLC, Jushi Group Co. Ltd., Owens Corning, Taishan Fiberglass Inc., Chomarat Group, PPG Industries Inc., Chongqing Polycomp International Corp., Saertex Group, Binani 3B-The Fibreglass Company, Nippon Sheet Glass Co. Ltd., Nitto Boseki Co. Ltd. and Saint-Gobain Vetrotex among others. Market Segmentation Market By Type · Polyester · Vinyl ester · Epoxy · Polyurethane · Others (PEEK and phenolic) Market By Application · Transportation · Aerospace & defense · Wind & energy · Electricals & electronics · Construction & infrastructure · Marine · Pipe · Tank · Others (Agriculture, Healthcare and Consumer Goods) Market By Process · Injection molding · Compression molding · Manual process · Continuous molding Market By Geography · North America o US o Canada o Mexico · Europe o UK o Germany o France o Rest of Europe · Asia-Pacific o China o Japan o India o Australia o Rest of Asia-Pacific · Latin America o Brazil o Chile o Rest of Latin America · Middle East and Africa (MEA) o South Africa o Saudi Arabia o Rest of MEA Key Questions Answered in Market Report How will environmental concerns impact the growth of the market? What are the current trends that are boosting the growth of the market of Europe and North America? Why are Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP)s witnessing high demand in the liquid leak detection segment? Which manufacturers in the market have a strong foothold in emerging economies? How will positive growth prospects of the oil & gas industry influence the trends in the market? What are current trends in the cable industry that are driving the growth of the market? Research Methodology The research methodology followed for acquiring information about the developments and trends in the Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP) landscape involves conducting a thorough market research. With the help of industry-validated data gathered through and verified by several primary and secondary resources, this ARC study offers exclusive insights on how the Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP) market will grow and expand through the course of the forecast period. Our analysts have accessed more than 100 external databases to gather accurate facts and data about the industry-level trends in the market. Analysts have also interviewed stakeholders in the supply chain of the market, including Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP) manufacturers and raw material suppliers, as well as researchers, who were the primary resources for this ARC study. Exclusive information provided by these primary resources acts as a validation from industry players, and makes ARC’s estimates on the growth of the Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP) market more reliable. REQUEST CUSTOMIZATION BUY THIS PREMIUM REPORT About Acumen Research and Consulting: Acumen Research and Consulting (ARC) is a global provider of market intelligence and consulting services to information technology, investment, telecommunication, manufacturing, and consumer technology markets. ARC helps investment communities, IT professionals, and business executives to make fact-based decisions on technology purchases and develop firm growth strategies to sustain market competition. With the team size of 100+ Analysts and collective industry experience of more than 200 years, Acumen Research and Consulting assures to deliver a combination of industry knowledge along with global and country level expertise.
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